11th November 2010: Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
FMS launches website: www.fms-wine-marketing.co.za
Serving wine successfully for 10 years...
To celebrate ten years in business, concentrating continuously on exporting wines, FMS is proud to showcase its own website. More importantly, the relationship with our current clients and cellars date back to 2001 and 2000 respectively, with sales growing from 100 cases to 10 pallets per order in 2010.
To expand at a faster pace the focus shifted in 2008 to obtaining new clients, with FMS registering on an e-business platform. This has proved very successful - four sales in four months in 2009 - 2010 to four new clients! Momentum has increased with new clients and a cellar being added recently in rapid succession.
This website puts FMS in the perfect position to not only increase visibility for itself, but also to assist our clients and suppliers – creating a small community who can draw on each other for support and advice. The website have links to all the brands in our portfolio where you have access to detailed data for each wine, i.e. tasting notes, awards, ratings, terroir, harvesting, winemaking, technical analyses, and pictures.
We thank our major clients for their steadfast support whose links are listed on our contacts page. We will add the names of a few more importers shortly and with the website being powered by Google Search Engine Optimisation this is bound to increase their visibility.
At FMS we believe in nurturing young talent. This has expressed itself in hosting an International Marketing Trainee from a French university every year since 2007. This website design, created by Octave CLAUZEL, is proof of such brilliant talent at work.
FMS Food & Beverages SA
Reg. No. 2002/026067/23
P.O. Box 51869 Waterfront 8002 Cape Town South Africa
Tel +27.21.426.50.37
Fax +27.21.413.08.25
E-mail fmsmarketing@yebo.co.za
Web www.fms-wine-marketing.co.za