Sunday, December 10, 2017

SWOT analysis?

We all studied this at varsity, so you know everything that needs to be done. But do you? Did you ever ask yourself:  “Why do I need to do this?”

When running a business and a project it sounds logical to go through this exercise. And I believe it is a great starting point. But once it's done, discard most of it. And specifically shrug off the weaknesses and the threats. It is an ancient truth (Proverbs 4:23) that “You get what you focus on.” According to Saras Naidoo “...concentrate on your core business objectives... and never deviate from [this]”. 

Speak life over yourself and realize that as Frans Cronje, producer of “Faith like Potatoes” noted “...things can already exist in the spiritual realm, long before you see it in the physical realm.” (Hebrews 11:1)
Hawequa Mountains & Linton Park Wines, Wellington
Don’t ever disregard your small, faltering steps at the beginning of a project. Kingsley Holgate said “Have the vision, turn the key and get going.” You need to step into the water with faith before the water will part (Joshua 3: 15-16). Meaning, you need to have the courage to take that first vital action to start the ball rolling. After that, momentum sets in and with continuous focus and effort your project quickly becomes a hive of positive activity. In brief: Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.

Adele asks “Should I give up, or should I just keep on chasing pavements?” Well, rest, contemplate, but don’t ever stop and don’t ever compare yourself with anyone else, because you always tend to compare your weak spots with another person’s strengths. This is almost a guaranteed way to become negative and depressed. Compete only with yourself, focusing on becoming a better you. Above all, love yourself.

Romain afirms “You should always focus on your strengths. Success is built on success. Success is achieved because of your strengths.” Forget about your weaknesses. According to Jane Raphaely rather ask: “Why am I doing this? Is it because I want to do it or because somebody else wants me to do it?” Remember “It’s all about how you finish” according to John Smit, Springbok rugby captain. To put this into perspective, Coco CHANEL came from an orphanage and built La Maison CHANEL with sheer guts and determination.
 Loading wine into a 20' container at JFH for Beijing, China
Tell yourself “I am brilliant!” every time you achieve a goal. This is not the time to ask “What’s next?” Don’t knock this milestone that you have achieved, saying “It is only the beginning”. You have worked diligently to succeed at it. This is not the time to ask “Are we there yet?” You are! Celebrate! Go overboard a little; the world is not going to tilt. Indeed, this is the moment to reflect at leisure about the grandness of life and the small part you are able to play in it. This builds your sense of self-worth, putting life into perspective.

Don’t lose sight of your weaknesses though, but manage it. To compensate, “Always choose people that are better than you. Always choose people that challenge you and are smarter than you. Always be the student. Once you find yourself to be the teacher, you’ve lost it.” Sandra Bullock states firmly. Focus on your expertise and hire someone better than you to handle another part of the project. Trust their judgement and let them get on with what they do best. It is as simple as that.

Remember, the world stands aside for someone who knows where s/he is going. See this as the grand start of a whole new life. Take a high five, you have made it! Now go out and have fun.

Photo credits:-
1.       Hawequa Mountains & Linton Park Wines, Wellington – Anton BLIGNAULT
2.       JF Hillebrand Warehouse, Cape Town  – Romaine LESAGE & Anton BLIGNAULT

Coco CHANEL “Fresh, feisty & very French” interview with Audrey TAUTOU by Michael Wolski in British Airways horizons July 2009
Frans Cronje, producer of “Faith like Potatoes”
Jane Raphaely, “Once Upon A Time...” interviewed by Marianne Thamm in khuluma August 2011
John Smit, Springbok rugby captain in “True Bru” interview with Ard Matthews in khuluma December 2011
Kingsley Holgate, “Extraordinary Man, Extraordinary Life” interviewed by Rob van Vuuren in khuluma January 2010
Sandra Bullock, story by Dana Lee in abouTime Vol 3 No 1
Saras Naidoo, “First small steps into business” in abouTime Vol 2 No 8
Dr. Soon Zevenster, Radio Tygerberg
The Holy Bible, KJV: Joshua 3: 15-16, Proverbs 4:23 & Hebrews 11:1
Wine Marketing Services SA: “SWOT analysis?”

© 2017 Anton BLIGNAULT, Cape Town South Africa

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