Saturday, May 2, 2020

Why don’t you try?

Have you ever berated yourself with the question ‘Why did I...?’ or as important ‘Why did I not...?’ I have and I guess you would be no different. But maybe one should rather try the French approach of « Pourquoi pas ? » or ‘Why not?’ 
Let me try to explain.

“Cinnamon... bitter and sweet... just like all women...  Such is the view of director Tassos Boulmetis of “A Touch of Spice”. It is a biography of his life – deported from Turkey as a child, growing up in Greece and going back to claim his childhood sweetheart.
The lesson: Do not forget to put a little bit of spice in your own life before it is too late.
My mom told me “Never regret a journey. It brought you where you are today.” 
I can live with that.
Or be like Edith Piaf who sang « Non, je ne regrette rien »
“No, I do not regret anything.” Now that’s a tough call!

Contemplate on this when you are not sure what to do next:
« Parce que tu me parles avec des mots, et je te regarde avec des sentiments. »
“Because you speak to me in words, and I look at you with feelings.”
Anna Karina, 1940-2019
Do you get it? Then get on with it.

Another famous actress says it so well:
“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!”
“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”
“Anyone who does not believe in miracles is not a realist.”
“Paris is always a good idea.”
Audrey Hepburn, 1929-1993
Gregory Peck asks "When do we stop learning? Maybe never." I would say ‘Definitely not ever.’

Here is wisdom from a famous French artist that I for one, need to heed.
« Il y a des fleurs partout pour qui veut bien les voir. »
“There are flowers everywhere for whoever wants to see them."
Henri Matisse 1869-1954

A children’s rhyme goes like this:
                “What are little girls made of?
                Sugar and spice and all things nice.
                That’s what little girls are made of.”
And I say ‘Big girls too.’ Take your time, a glass of good wine, a woman to reminisce over... And tell me if I am wrong.
Then get onto the dance floor when the opportunity presents itself.
“The Tango - Scent of a Woman” says it all.
Donna:  “I... I think I’d be a little afraid.”
Col. Frank Slade:  “Why?”
Donna:  “Afraid of making a mistake.”
Col. Frank Slade:  “No mistakes in the tango, darling. Not like life. Simple.
You make a mistake, you get all tangled up... just tango on.
Why don’t you try?”
This sounds like the right attitude to have: Try. Learn. Fail. Carry on. But try!! Right now.

Photo credits:
A Touch of Spice – Anton Blignault
Notre Dame de Paris – Google images
Bloubergstrand & Table Mountain with Karine Mancel – Anton Blignault

© Anton Blignault, Cape Town, May 2020

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